ACT 3.
Debate drugs and alcohol
1. los dedos se ponen amarillos
2. mal aliento
3. irritación de la garganta
4. Crea adicción
5. te cansas + y cada vez quieres hacer menos deporte
6. se te arruga la piel
7. envejeces antes
8. las enfermedades por culpa del tabaco dan la cara a posteriori, años más tarde.
9. Enfermedades tales como cancer de muchos tipos , enfermedades de corazón.
10. pierdes olfato y gusto
1. Comportamientos agresivos
2. sueño
3. visión doble ó borrosa
4. pérdida de reflejos
5. perdida de memoria y concentración
6. sensación de euforia y exaltación de la amistad.
7. Problemas para hablar / comunicarse correctamente.
8. Adicción a la bebida
9. problemas familiares
10. problemas de salud derivados del abuso de la ingesta de alcohol ( cardíacos, renales,depresión, trastornos mentales).
Debate drugs and alcohol:
Rafael : Good morning my name is Rafael and we are gonna comments the debate of the drugs and alcohol and the first participants to explain the topic is Jesus
Jesus : Hello , we are Jesus and Daniel and we are agains drugs , the negative effect of tabacco , first yellow fingers and constant smokings
Javier : Hello my name is Javier , although if it generates yellow spots on the skin. It can be solved with a simple hand, mouth and face wash.
Carlos : Im Carlos and we think that tabacco have benecifial things like , it is fun , evasive problems , relaxing and it is a social activity
Rafael : And now the turn is off Jesus and daniel
Daniel : I am Daniel and we are agains because we thing tabacco is not beneficial because he take money away from you , is adictive , you teats fall out and your clothes smell bad and you have bad perfomance on sport
Rafael : Now is the turn of Javier and Carlos
Javier : Im Javier and i think tobacco never generates an economic problem because of tax and activity in the nation's economy and feedback to us as a society , for example dentist make money
Rafael : Now is the turn of Jesus and Daniel
Jesus : I am Jesus and the effect of tobacco, not only affects the individual, but also public health, leading to long-term consequences. In addition, the state has to spend money to support the tobacco patient and it causes cancer for example
Rafael : Now we are going to talk about alcohol and the turn is for carlos and javier
Javier : Im Javier and i think alcohol will probably not be harmful relationships. All these people will be happy not to visit their psychologist and forget about their bad thoughts.
Rafael : Now is the turn of daniel and jesus
Daniel : Im daniel and alcohol is not beneficial because as it has many adverse effects such as aggressive behavior, loss of emotional control and drowsiness.
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